As of 2019, several members all coming from different Berlin based post metal, screamo and hardcore outlets (such as Ancst, Henry Fonda, Ast, Chambers, Afterlife Kids, rýr, Youth Cult) decided to form a band to combine all these different experiences and emotions to channel them within the post black metal project called NIDARE (derived from the old German word “nidar” which means “below”). The sound of the band is constituted by catchy melodic, yet challenging riffs that cover atmospheric black metal, screamo as well as post metal styles, all played upon blast beat driven drums that are still not afraid to go doomy.
SOASTASPHRENAS - genau so mögen wir den Screamo-Sound, den die 4 Berliner aus den USA und Griechenland fabrizieren und der eine Art Blaupause von Bands wie PG.99, Saetia oder Orchid darstellt. Soas Tas Phrenas (σώας τας φρένας) ist eine alte griechische Redewendung aus dem 18. Jahrhundert, die allgemein beschreibt, dass jemand „bei klarem Verstand“ ist - oder geistig gesund ist. Gut zu wissen!
Quelle: artderkultur / veränderbar